La Ciudad de Guatemala
Choi Shin and CIMA Textiles: Maquiladoras in Via Nueva
I haven´t been able to update very frequently because our days are so packed and internet cafes only stay open until 8 or 9. For now, I´ll just post some pictures I´ve taken.
This picture is a neighborhood in Via Nueva, maquiladora central on the outskirts of Guatemala City. We were pulled up next to one of the many maquilas. Just this past Monday, a factory´s owners closed up shop without paying their workers because there was word of a union being organized.
The gate to the maquila. Many factory owners are Korean subcontractors.

A truck full of Liz Claiborne and Talbots clothing that left the maquila gates. We weren´t allowed to meet the workers inside.
So we went to visit a supplier of Starbucks coffee that adheres to their CAFE practices. They have a clinic on the plantation to serve the workers, use environmentally-friendly practices, and pay wages much higher than average workers on plantations. They are a specialty coffee supplier, however, and only represent a small fraction of the coffee industry in Guatemala.
I´ll add more photos of our sociological tour of Guatemala City, and some more sites in Antigua.
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